Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Complexities of Technology

What oh what shall I eat? Is there anything fast and easy. I'm filled with hunger. Tuna? Nah. Macaroni and Cheese? Takes too long. Peanut butter and jelly? Requires effort. Spaghetti O's!!! What more could a guy ask for. The perfect portion. What wonderful creator conjured up this great invention. Microwaveable. Easy. I found my next meal. But wait? Oh no! It is sealed up in a can. How ever shall I reach the wonderful meal inside. Can opener! As I search for a can opener I see there is only one available...AN ELECTRIC CAN OPENER!!! I stared at the machine; It stared back. We locked our gaze on each other knowing what was to come. I took a step forward...and then two steps back. I knew, I just knew, I couldn't give up. So I walked up to it, gripped its handle, and stuck the can under. It was refusing to take the can. I couldn't not force it to take the can. With all my efforts I tried one last time, but to no avail. I couldn't give up that easy, so again we head to battle. I looked under the machine, it grips it, I may have finally won...but no the machine drops the can. I am too hungry. I am getting weak. I have no choice but to retreat. As I walk away eating my tuna sandwich, I grip it tighter and stare back at the machine..." I will come back, you may have won the battle, but I will win this war!"

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