Tuesday, July 6, 2010

"What light through yonder window breaks..."

I prepared wholeheartedly for what could be the greatest accomplishment in my life to date. I...yes I...I had the lead role in the musical that would change the world. As I sat there humming in my head and then in my gut, I prepared for the part that would launch my career.
First, a slow meditation out by the duck pond. How else was I to get into character? It started to rain, the ducks began to clamor. Oh what glorious sounds! I knew that I could do this. There was nothing standing in my way. My dream of becoming a Broadway star was only hours away!
The day was here! I dressed to match my character, cleared my head, I was ready to take the stage. The show was about to begin. I stood in the dark knowing the moment had arrived, silence, the curtains lifts...
It is finished. The show is over. I am sweating. I played the the part to perfection. The audience stands up in amazement at my performance. My mother with tears in her eyes says, "You were the best ugly duckling to ever hit the stage!" Silence. I cry. Success.

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